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Welcome to SpringBoard!

The Board for Certification of Genealogists (BCG) is launching this blog to help communicate information that the public may be interested in learning about the Board, about genealogical standards, and other news or items of interest.

First let me introduce BCG. Currently in our 49th year, we are


    • an independent organization not affiliated with, or part of, any group


    • a certifying body, not a membership society; and


    • a nationally and internationally recognized organization.


You may read about our mission, vision, and activities at About BCG. A calendar of current events has been placed at the top of this blog.

Second, let me introduce myself. I am Elissa Scalise Powell, Certified GenealogistSM, Certified Genealogical LecturerSM. I have been conducting genealogical research since 1985 when I was a young mother at home and turned to my family history to stimulate my mind during my children's nap time. I thought I would update our Eberhardt / Everhard family history, written in 1893, and find that I am still working on it! Board-certified in 1995, I have always volunteered my time to genealogical societies and have learned much in working on various boards. In genealogy I found my passion, my avocation, and my vocation.

 Elissa Scalise Powell, CG, CGL

I am very honored to have been asked to become BCG president as of October 2012. I am hopeful that we can reach out to those who want to know if they are performing genealogical research according to the standards established for our profession. Those who are "doing this just for family" and those who take clients or have library patrons are all interested in doing research "the right way."

To this end, BCG does much in the way of education, especially through the skillbuilding lectures at the National Genealogical Society conferences, through its newsletter, OnBoard, through its website, and now through this blog, SpringBoard. Other avenues are being planned, so stay tuned!

May all your ancestors have tombstones!
-- Elissa