BCG - Why I Became Certified — Michael Hait (transcript)
I'm Michael Hait. I live in Harrington, Delaware, board certified genealogist since 2011. I actually applied for certification twice, and I had different motivations each time I applied. The first, my first unsuccessful application, my motivation was because I want to become a professional genealogist, and I thought by getting certified, I could make more money. As I continued on through my career, I realized that there was a lot more to certification than being a professional. And the reason that I then turned around and applied the second time after after submitting the first unsuccessful portfolio, was because, to me, the standards that BCG has created and and enforces through their certification program that represents, to me, what we as genealogists should be doing and by, you know, following those it was my way of supporting those standards and supporting, you know, better work among everyone in genealogy. So that's, that's basically why I did it. It is in order to become better myself and show other people by example that you know, we should be doing better work I think.